I'm an engineer and cofounder at Gradescope. I completed my Master's in the ECE department at UCSD, majoring in Intelligent Systems. While there, I worked on mobile devices, educational technology, and neural engineering. I am generally interested in applying machine learning to challenging engineering problems. In my undergraduate career I worked in Pieter Abbeel's Robot Learning Lab.
I'm passionate about education, both learning as well as teaching. I have studied a broad variety of topics under the umbrellas of electrical engineering and computer science. I also taught the introductory signal processing (EE20) and circuits (EE40) courses at Berkeley. I was fortunate enough to work on the initial development of the EdX discussion forums for its launch in fall 2012.
I enjoy exploring the beauty of nature, and capturing it with photography. I've also recently picked up distance running, though I'm far from a marathon runner (maybe someday!). Currently I'm aiming to run a half marathon in summer 2015.
I do some hobbyist web development on the side. Web technologies these days have a very low barrier to entry, which makes it easy to pick up and do something interesting in a short span of time. And the evolution in this space is rapid so there's always something new to learn!